March 7, 2019

Service Providers Use Sales Automation to Grow B2B Market Share

A strong configure price quote (CPQ) solution is part of an overall strategy for operators to improve their reach into the enterprise space.

Many operators around the world are starting to see their revenues go flat or decline as market saturation among consumers reaches higher levels. But while these consumers and their revenue potential are not growing by much, or even at all, operators do have options beyond their traditional markets.

One of these is through delivering network services and public clouds to enterprise verticals. The potential here is extremely promising due to a lack of major inroads so far on the part of service providers.

According to several forecasts, the global market for B2B communications services will exceed $100 billion within the next decade, growing at a compound annual growth rate of 13 percent. Cloud services and software will also grow at healthy clips, with some markets approaching $100 billion by 2020.

The opportunity is clearly there for operators, but how they approach the B2B space will determine their level of success. As they shift into the B2B space, there is more product information to manage, more complex bundling to sort out and more negotiated pricing and discounting to accommodate. This rapid increase in product and sales complexity is compounded with increasing demand for more efficient digital experiences, driven both by competition and rising customer expectations. The sales process is the customer-facing touchpoint for any provider and it must conquer this complexity while presenting a simple, efficient and intuitive face to staff and customers.

In short, enterprise customers are looking for highly customizable service offerings. But they also want a simple, accurate and efficient experience. All of this adds up to the need for sales automation solutions that are designed specifically for their businesses; solutions that are integrated with ordering processes and product catalogs and are able to support new types of consumption models and offerings that are being demanded by enterprise customers.

Solving common problems in B2B sales requires a more automated, intelligent and integrated sales automation solution. Such a solution must leverage digital-era capabilities; drive accuracy, speed and customer value; facilitate useful customer interactions; and result in positive customer experiences that increase close rates while reducing the time from the first contact to close.

Netcracker’s End-to-End Sales Automation and Configure Price Quote (CPQ) solution delivers a strong response to the challenges faced by service providers in delivering a sales process and customer experience for today’s digital era. The solution includes highly intuitive user interfaces and an analytics-driven sales process that enables sale staff to focus on maximizing customer revenue potential.

The solution identifies and promotes upsell and cross-sell opportunities, enabling teams to speed up deal closures with a focus on experience, automation, intelligence and integration with product, order and network information and processes.

To learn more about how sales automation and CPQ can help speed up B2B success for operators, download our new white paper now.


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